Paths Unknown

My wife and I met at Hume Lake Christian Camps in the Fall of 2000, and were married there in May of 2003 (that’s the photo). It was there our path began “in the mid-morning of our lives,” and we have continued on it ever since, though it has not followed the course we envisioned. This poem was inspired by our journey thus far, and by the place of significant uncertainty were at right now, waiting to know what’s going to happen next.

It was the mid-morning of our lives, we stood together at the trailhead
The skies above were blue, the sun was shining through the trees
There was hope in our hearts, no reasons to hesitate or to dread
The path was clear, though the horizon obscure, we started with ease

It didn’t take long before something interrupted our young love song
A split in the road, not sure of which way we should go
We prayed to know, we walked unseeing, we didn’t want to be wrong
The winds of circumstances rose, our direction dictated as we felt it blow

We traveled over many a hill and around many a bend
Through many storms and across oceans the path did lead
We were joined by five other travelers before the years were ten
Now there were seven hearts to tend to and seven mouths to feed

The road that looked so easy now more than twenty years ago
Has proven much harder and unpredictable, there is no doubt
Through many toils and dangers, onward yet we go
Taking each step in faith, trusting God to reveal the route

Sometimes I wish I could take to air and see what lies before us
We want to plan, we want to plant, we want to reach a destination
Yet still we move on through valley, through swamp and forest
Roots will have to wait; how long? There is no indication

Though we are blind to what comes next, our Guide certainly is not
So to follow Him with joy and hope and faith, we pray
As we walk we will sing of blessings received, of battles fought
And trust our God to sustain and bless this path we tread each day

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